Dec 10, 2010

Did I say bad chi? No such thing

The companion post:

Did I say something about the photographer? The new photography schedule eliminated tears and chaos. The parents were ecstatic.

Maybe those spotlight channels were need for the four new spotlight volunteers that got trained. (One of whom has outed herself as a trained professional theater tech specialist. This is how you get sucked into my web, you know. Never reveal an actual skill that you don't want me to exploit, that is to say, ask you to share.)

Did I mention the group that had the wrong music? Freestyle 1 girls, average age 8, learned an additional 30 seconds of choreography in 5 minutes.

Despite their harried helpers, tots were awesome, inasmuch as they made it off before their music ended. This may be a first for a dress rehearsal.

All those 12 groups doing re-skates at the dress apparently paid off, because today's show went without a glitch.

Volunteers didn't show? Several awesome moms and dads stepped in and handled the backstage organizing.

This is the amazing thing about performing: I've worked in performing arts for 30 years-- classical music, theater and figure skating--and I am continually amazed at how everyone, literally EVERYONE performs "up"-- they do better when the spotlight's on-- no matter how disastrous the rehearsal period is, or how unprepared they seem to be.

Rock on, Nutcrackers! Two down, four to go!

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